Product Designer // Creator


Freelance pricing, breakdown of services that I can provide.


Website & Mobile App Design


Web/Mobile App Design

Let’s start with the basics!


Website design

$4000 CAD

  • 5 professionally designed pages

  • This can be but not limited to; a home page, an about page, a blog landing page, an FAQ page and a contact page.

  • Desktop + Mobile design

  • 2 hours of quality stock photo search

  • A complimentary wordmark logo (includes 2 different directions and 1 revision).

  • 1 set of revisions (up to 4 hours of work)

  • Release of all graphic files and any assets

    *This quote does not include domain set up or any code implementation. Any changes beyond scope would be charged as hourly rate at $65/hr onwards.


MOBILE app UI DEsign (ios/Android)

$4000 CAD

  • 4 professionally designed pages

  • This can be but not limited to; a home page, an about page, a blog landing page, an FAQ page and a contact page or whatever pages that makes sense to your flow.

  • IOS or Android

  • Design System and/or Visual Documentation

  • 2 set of revisions (up to 8 hours of work)

  • Release of all graphic files and any assets

    *This quote does not include wire-framing or any code implementation. Any changes beyond scope would be charged as hourly rate at $65/hr onwards.



Monthly Maintenance Retainer

Additional creative needs!


maintenance needs

$2000 CAD/Month

  • This is the perfect solution for ongoing support and up to 30 hours of creative updates/needs per month. We connect on an ongoing basis regarding your brand needs to align visual updates. (i.e, social media posts, website banners, stock photo sourcing, image enhancements etc).


Let’s connect!