Product Designer // Creator

CRC Employee mobile app

California Resources Corporation wanted a platform to inspire and inform its employees so we helped created their first mobile application CRC2GO. It has been designed to encourage collaboration, engagement and ambassadorship among CRC colleagues, families and friends, wherever they might be.


CRC2GO Employee App

The CRC Employee App serves a key channel for communication to CRC employees with the goals of increasing engagement, developing ambassadorship, and delivering content in an easy-to-use manner.  The joint PulsePoint Group and ICF Olson team (hereafter “ICF”) has partnered with the CRC team in research and workshops to develop requirements, wireframes, and user flows. Based on these inputs, this SOW outlines the effort and scope of work needed to develop the iOS app (hereafter the “app”).

Agency: ICF Olson |  Creative Director: Dylan Gerard | Art Director: Bowie Shum | Designer: Ryna Gallardo | Senior Project Manager: Kingsley Deokie
