Product Designer // Creator


Ten Years. $50 million. One Goal. In 2007, RBC made a 10-year, $50 million committment to the Blue Water project to help everyone have access to drinkable, swimmable, and fishable water, in Canada and around the world. RBC wanted a campaign that communicates and raise awareness for the cause.

RBC Blue Water Project - In Their Own Words

RBC Blue Water Project & RBC Believe in Kids

Ten Years. $50 Million. One Goal.

In 2007, RBC made a 10-year, $50 million commitment to the Blue Water Project to help everyone have access to drinkable, swimmable, and fishable water, in Canada and around the world. RBC wanted a campaign that communicates and raise awareness to the cause.

Agency: Entrinsic |  Creative Director: Anthony Wolch, Andrew Skoojah | Art Director: Dorota Kepka | Copywriter: Tara Wright, Kyle Carpenter | Designer: Bowie Shum | Account Director: Gavin Wiggins

RBC Blue Water Project - National Geographic magazine spread

RBC Blue Water Project - National Geographic magazine spread

RBC Blue Water Project - online banner ads

RBC Blue Water Project - online banner ads

RBC Belive in Kids - Window Cling

RBC Belive in Kids - Window Cling

RBC Believe in Kids - Youtube page

RBC Believe in Kids - Youtube page

RBC Believe in Kids - Magazine spread

RBC Believe in Kids - Magazine spread